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Nufabrx - Lifestyle

By Beth Doane, Contributing Editor

We recently discovered SQUIX, a new online shopping venue that offers a huge selection of innovative, eco conscious and germ-fighting products for every aspect of life. Along with traditional cleaning products, there are unique products like antimicrobial yoga mat sprays, UV sanitizing phone chargers, and portable toothbrush sanitizers for travel. SQUIX is the first company to curate the smartest germ-fighting innovations on the market and unite them in a single, fun, and inviting space. Their site is even peppered with fun facts and tips, educating consumers with advice while they shop.COCO_ECO_CLEAN_HOMEYou have the option of ordering a QBox— a monthly subscription of customizable products that are shipped (for free) directly to your door— or of simply browsing the QShop. Each QBox is $14.98 per month with your first month 50% off, and valued at $29 of products including three full-sized products and free gifts. After you answer questions about your preferences and needs, SQUIX creates the perfect QBox for your lifestyle. Products in the QShop are grouped into categories like Around the House, Out & About, Baby & Kids, Travel, Sports & Fitness, Office & Electronics, and Planet-Friendly. Our top choice is the Planet-Friendly category, but many categories offer eco options as well.

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With brands such as Method, E-cloth, and Cleansmart, you can keep both your home, your bodies and the environment clean. SQUIX is a convenient space where you can order the products you need, while discovering new innovations that will make living a clean life simpler. With SQUIX, “you win, germs lose.”

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